Photo by Ada Montgomery

Amy Pence lives and writes in Atlanta, Georgia. Expect her debut novel, YELLOW, from Red Hen Press in 2026. Her full-length poetry collections include [It] Incandescent, (Ninebark Press, 2018), Armor, Amour (Ninebark, 2012), and The Decadent Lovely (Main Street Rag, 2010). Her chapbooks Skin’s Dark Night (2River Press, 2003) and Your Posthumous Dress: Remnants from the Alexander McQueen Collection, 1992-20XX (dancing girl press, 2019) are somewhere out there in the world.

Amy’s poems have been featured in numerous publications, including New American Writing, The Oxford American, Denver Quarterly, Hotel Amerika, The Antioch Review, and Quarterly West. Amy’s fiction and non-fiction works have appeared in Western Humanities Review (WHR), Poets & Writers, and The Writer’s Chronicle.